Friday, 24 July 2009

Ok - now this works

After about 12 hours, finally a set of instructions which work...

Kudos to TSGal on this forum - see his instructions second to last post.

Instead of downloading the Actual Technologies driver, you need iODBC framework and administrator which you can use instead of the ODBC Mac Administrator and this integrates nicely with Excel and Query.

I'll copy his instructions here for posterity and completeness:

1. I downloaded the iODBC Administrator at:

2. I installed it, and it was placed inside my Hard Drive -> Applications -> iODBC (folder)

3. I put in my FileMaker Pro 10 disc, opened the xDBC directory and copied the SequeLink.bundle into the Hard Drive -> Library -> ODBC (folder)

4. I launched FileMaker Pro 10, created a new database file "Test.fp7" with one field (Name) and one record (TSGal)

5. I pulled down the File menu and selected "Sharing -> ODBC/JDBC..."

6. I turned on ODBC Sharing, selected "Test.fp7" in the lower left, and set ODBC/JDBC access to "All Users", and clicked "OK".

7. I launched iODBC Administrator and selected the tab "ODBC Drivers".

8. I clicked "Add a driver", and entered the following information:

Description of the driver: myODBCdriver

Driver file name: /Library/ODBC/SequeLink.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ivslk20.dylib

(Note: Be sure to manually type this in. Do not paste! )

[note from blogger: leave this as a user not a system driver i.e. leave the radio button as it is]

Click "OK".

9. Click on the System DSN tab, and click the "Add" button.

10. I entered the following information.

Data Source Name (DSN): myTESTDB1

a. Keyword: Host


(Click Add)

b. Keyword: Port

Value: 2399

(Click Add)

c. Keyword: ServerDataSource

Value: Test

(Click Add)

Click OK.

11. Now, you should be set up. Click the "Test" button. This should return everything was successful. If not, then let me know what is the error message, and we'll proceed from there.


  1. Hi, These directions are very nice and clear. I would like to do exactly what you have described here. I have downloaded the iODBC adminstrator and when I try to launch it, nothing happens. Can you help me with this? Thanks in advance. Ange

  2. I've followed these directions and have gotten up to the TEST button. I get this reply "[DataDirect][ODBC SequeLink]File not found 'odbc.ini'

    Can you help me with this?

  3. ManKind, I followed the instructions and I also got the same error message as yours, obdc.ini not found, even though the file is there and is where it's supposed to be.

    I removed iODBC and installed the ODBC manager from Actual technology. Install the Filemaker driver from Actual's ODBC manager, and for the rest just follow this instruction. It worked for me!

  4. BTW I use FM10 pro advanced + snow leopard 10.6.2

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